What anatomical structures does the terminal duct lobular unit TDLU consist of?
The TDLU is composed of a small segment of the terminal duct and a cluster of ductules, which are the effective secretory units. The functional structures are surrounded by specialized connective tissue.
Is believed to arise in the terminal duct lobular unit?
Background. Most benign breast lesions and breast cancers arise in the terminal duct lobular units (TDLUs) [1], the milk-producing structures of the breast.
What is the functional unit of a mammary gland called?
ductal lobular units
Each breast, or mammary gland, contains 15-20 lobes and each lobe is comprised of 20-40 terminal ductal lobular units (TDLU). The TDLU is the functional unit of the breast.
What is lobules of the breast?
A breast lobule is a gland that makes milk. Enlarge. Anatomy of the female breast. The nipple and areola are shown on the outside of the breast. The lymph nodes, lobes, lobules, ducts, and other parts of the inside of the breast are also shown.
What does terminal ductal lobular unit used for?
Terminal duct lobular units (TDLUs)—also referred to as lobules—are epithelial structures within the breast that produce milk during lactation; they are also the primary anatomical source of most breast cancer precursors and cancers.
What compromises the terminal ductal lobular unit TDLU in the breast?
The collecting duct has several branches, which ends in a terminal ductal-lobular unit (TDLU), the basic functional and histopathological unit of the breast. The TDLU is composed of a small segment of the terminal duct and a cluster of ductules, which are the effective secretory units.
Why breast is called modified sweat gland?
A mammary gland is a specific type of apocrine gland specialized for manufacture of colostrum when giving birth. Mammary glands can be identified as apocrine because they exhibit striking “decapitation” secretion. Many sources assert that mammary glands are modified sweat glands.
What does lobular carcinoma feel like?
Lobular carcinoma cells tend to invade breast tissue by spreading out in a distinct way rather than forming a firm nodule. The affected area may have a different feel from the surrounding breast tissue, more like a thickening and fullness, but it’s unlikely to feel like a lump.
What are acini cells in the breast?
Acini cells are the smallest functional unit of the breast. Several hundred acini cells in each breast produce milk into a separate duct (terminal duct) Milk funneled into the ductal system toward the nipple.
What arteries supply the breast?
The internal thoracic artery is the dominant artery supplying the breast, and its branches supply the medial and central breast parenchyma.