How many km is it from Harare to Bulawayo?
Distance between Harare and Bulawayo is 368 KM / 229 miles.
How many toll gates are there from Bulawayo to Harare?
5 Toll Plazas
There are 5 Toll Plazas on the highway.
How long is the bus from Bulawayo to Harare?
Information on this bus route
Daily Buses | 2 |
Minimum Price | $42 |
Average Ticket Price | $97 |
Minimum Trip Duration | 1d13h |
Average Bus Trip Duration | 1d14h |
How long is it from Harare to Bulawayo?
441 km
Yes, the driving distance between Harare to Bulawayo is 441 km. It takes approximately 5h 22m to drive from Harare to Bulawayo. Which airlines fly from Harare Airport to Bulawayo Airport?
Which is the longest distance in Zimbabwe?
From Harare to Lilongwe using the A2/R4 Highway and Mozambique’s Route 222 the distance is about 741 km (460.4 miles).
How much is a flight from Harare to Bulawayo?
The average price for one way flights from Harare to Bulawayo is $86. The average price for round trip flights from Harare to Bulawayo is $113.
How many toll gates do we have in Zimbabwe?
Toll Gates Most highways linking cities are now toll roads following the construction of 36 toll plazas throughout the country.
How much are toll gates in Zimbabwe?
TOLL FEE RESIDENTIAL FEES Pay the fee of $50 ZWL every time they pass or. Pay a monthly discounted fee of $3 000 ZWL. Once they pay they can pass whenever they want.
How much is bus fare from Harare to Mutare?
Intercity bus fares
From | To | USD$ |
Harare | Mutare | $10.00 |
Harare | Rusape | $7.00 |
Harare | Marondera | $2.00 |
Harare | Bulawayo | $15.00 |
What is the distance between Harare and Nyamapanda border post?
Rehabilitation and upgrading of the 215 km Harare – Nyamapanda road in Zimbabwe, to Nyamapanda/Cuchimano Border Post. The road runs in a north-easterly direction from Harare to the Nyamanpanda Border Post (between Zimbabwe and Mozambique), covering a total distance of 278km.
How many Kilometres from Harare to Victoria Falls by road?
865.3 km
The distance between Harare and Victoria Falls is 553 km. The road distance is 865.3 km.