Are Planning Policy Statements still valid?
Planning Policy Statements (PPS) were UK government statements of national policy and principles towards certain aspects of the town planning framework. In recent years they only applied to England. However, they still exist within the Northern Irish System.
What is planning policy document?
Planning policy is the development framework under which decisions on planning applications are made. Planning policy is created at two different levels: national – planning policies set by the Government through the National Planning Policy Framework.
Is planning policy legally binding?
Planning obligations run with the land, are legally binding and enforceable. A unilateral undertaking cannot bind the local planning authority because they are not party to it.
What is a policy Statement UK?
National Policy Statements are produced by government. They give reasons for the policy set out in the statement, and must include an explanation of how the policy takes account of government policy relating to the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change.
What is the planning Act NI 2011?
Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (2011 Cap. 25). An Act to make provision in relation to planning; and for connected purposes. The Act transfers the majority of planning functions and decision making responsibilities for local development plans, development management plus planning enforcement to councils.
What is PPS1?
Planning Policy Statements (PPS) set out the Government’s national policies on different aspects of land use planning in England. PPS1 sets out the overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable development through the planning system.
What does a policy planner do?
Policy planning relates to writing the plan provisions (rules, objectives and policies) that control development. Resource consent planners work in the context of those rules, but in relation to actual development proposals.
What is a local planning policy?
Local planning policies outline the development standards and provisions used by the City in assessing and making decisions on planning applications.
What is a section 106 agreement in planning?
Planning obligations, also known as Section 106 agreements (based on that section of The 1990 Town & Country Planning Act) are private agreements made between local authorities and developers and can be attached to a planning permission to make acceptable development which would otherwise be unacceptable in planning …
Why are planning policies important?
It plays a key role in helping to make the places where we live and work attractive, vibrant and well designed. The planning system can help secure development that supports regeneration and that meets the needs of local communities. It can support the provision of affordable housing and other necessary development.
What is a policy statement example?
Policy statements must be written in a very clear and formal style. Good examples of policy statements are: All computers must have antivirus protection activated to provide real-time, continuous protection. All servers must be configured with the minimum of services to perform their designated functions.
What is a HSE policy document?
A health and safety policy statement sets out how you manage health and safety within your workplace. It demonstrates your businesses attitude towards health and safety and the steps, arrangements and systems you have in place to ensure you comply with Health and Safety legislation.