Are there new cats on Neko Atsume?
New Rare and Regular Cats have been added. Apricot; Ganache; Sapphire; Jeeves added.
What does Neko Atsume mean in English?
Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector (Japanese: ねこあつめ, “Cat Collection”) is a mobile cat collecting game developed by Hit-Point Co., Ltd. for iOS and Android, released on October 20, 2014.
What are girl cats called?
A female cat is known as Molly. However, the origin of this name is largely unclear. When pregnant and about to birth their kittens, female cats are called Queens. A male cat is called a tom or tomcat (or a gib, if neutered) An unspayed female is called a queen, especially in a cat-breeding context.
How do you get cats in Neko Atsume?
In Neko Atsume, players lure cats to visit their Yard with Goodies and Food. The player needs to exit the game in order for the cats to appear. Upon returning to the game, the player may see cats interacting with the goodies.
What are the new additions to Neko Atsume?
New Food and Goodies have been added. Sashimi Boat added. Cushion (Wood); Sushi Cushion (tuna); Sushi Cushion (shrimp); Sushi Cushion (omelet); Chocolate Tart Bed; Egg Tart Bed; Kick Toy (Sea Bream) added. New wallpapers have been added.
What kind of personality does Neko Atsume have?
Regular Cats Cat Description Personality Power Lv. Memento Snowball Solid White Mellow 80 Flowered Collar Smokey Solid Black Hot and Cold 140 Soft Brush Spots Black & White Joker 75 Glow Bracelet Shadow Solid Grey Peculiar 50 Cicada Skin
When did Neko Atsume come out for Apple Watch?
Neko Atsume for Apple Watch has been released. You can also check on the cats in your yard on Apple Watch now! (Update Release April 15th, 2017.) A bug that caused the game to crash for iOS 8 or below has been fixed. (Update Release Dec. 21st, 2016.)