Does MND affect voice?
Many people with MND experience weakness in the bulbar region, affecting muscles of the mouth, throat and tongue. This can lead to problems with speech and voice, which will affect ability to communicate.
What is voice banking for whom and when would it be used?
Voice banking is a way for a person to record and store their own voice to use at a later date when they may have trouble speaking. You record your voice and then the sounds are broken down to create a synthetic version of your natural voice.
How can I bank my voice?
Voice banking is where you record yourself speaking a set list of sentences, for a voice banking provider to create a version of your own voice. You can then use your banked voice with a communication aid, so the voice sounds more like you.
Is MND classed as a terminal illness?
There’s no cure for MND, but there are treatments to help reduce the impact it has on a person’s daily life. Some people live with the condition for many years. MND can significantly shorten life expectancy and, unfortunately, eventually leads to death.
How long can you live with MND?
Life expectancy after diagnosis is one to five years, with 10 per cent of people with MND living 10 years or more. The needs of people with MND are complex and vary from person to person.
Who uses voice banking?
People living with motor neurone disease (MND) are probably the largest group of people who use voice banking. 2 Voice and message banking may also be considered for people with other progressive neurological conditions.
How long can u live with MND?
How fast does motor neurone disease progress?
The onset of symptoms varies but most commonly the disease is first recognized between 20 and 40 years of age. Generally, the disease progresses very slowly. Early symptoms may include tremor of outstretched hands, muscle cramps during physical activity, and muscle twitches.