How does thurstone view intelligence?
Using his new approach to factor analysis, Thurstone found that intelligent behavior does not arise from a general factor, but rather emerges from seven independent factors that he called primary abilities: word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial visualization, number facility, associative memory, reasoning, and …
What did ll thurstone believe?
Thurstone thought there were how many mental abilities? Believes that intelligence comes in multiple clusters. They are pretty distincr from eachother.
What is the name of thurstone intelligence theory?
Thurston’s Group Factor Theory Louis Thurston came out with the group factor theory (1937) saying that Intelligence is a cluster of abilities These mental operations then constitute a group A second group of mental operations has its own unifying Primary factor; a third group has a third Primary factor and so on.
What is Cattell’s theory of intelligence?
The Cattell-Horn theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence suggests that intelligence is composed of different abilities that interact and work together to produce overall individual intelligence.
What are the 7 primary mental abilities?
The seven primary mental abilities in Thurstone’s model were verbal comprehension, word fluency, number facility, spatial visualization, associative memory, perceptual speed, and reasoning.
What are the 4 theories of intelligence?
The theories are grouped into four major theory types: (1) psychometric theories; (2) cognitive theories; (3) cognitive-contextual theories; and (4) biological theories.
What does Thurstone’s theory of intelligence focus on?
Instead of viewing intelligence as a single, general ability, Thurstone’s theory focused on seven different primary mental abilities. The abilities that he described include: Verbal comprehension. Reasoning. Perceptual speed. Numerical ability. Word fluency. Associative memory.
How many mental abilities are there in Thurston’s theory?
It is also the basis for many contemporary group tests of intelligence. Thurstone (1938) analyzed the data from 56 different tests of mental abilities and concluded that to the extent that there is a general factor of intelligence, it is unimportant and possibly epiphenomenal. From this point of view there are seven primary mental abilities:
What did Louis Leon Thurstone contribute to psychology?
Russell, T. & Loughran, J. (2005) argued that Louis Leon Thurstone made significant contributions in many areas of psychology; this includes psychometrics, statistics, and the study of human intelligence. He came up with methods for scaling psychological measures, assessing attitudes, and test theory, among many other influential contributions.
Which is the most important theory of intelligence?
Today, Thurstone’s theory is not used as often in its original form, but it has served as a basis for many subsequent theories of intelligence, including hierarchical theories and modern theories such as Gardner’s (1983). Thus, to the extent that a theory is judged by its heuristic value, Thurstone’s has been one of the most important in the field.