How would you explain the idea of surplus population?
For classical political economists, the poverty and unemployment generated in the early stages of capitalist development denoted the existence of a surplus population caused by the inability of the poor to postpone marriage and behave in a rational and virtuous manner.
What is the meaning of surplus population?
The natural population surplus rate (or natural increase rate) is the population growth rate attributable to the natural change in the population, i.e. that which results from births and deaths only.
Why is surplus value important to Marx’s theory?
The higher the surplus value the higher the net income. This will help the government to determine the standard of living enjoyed by its citizens. Karl Marx says that the concept of surplus value is not only inevitable under a capitalistic system but it’s also the soul and heart of a capitalistic economy.
What is relative surplus population?
For capitalist production, the relative surplus population is a control valve for the working population that makes it possible to supply labour-power needed for sudden capital accumulation and to absorb the excessive working population.
Why is Karl Marx’s theory of surplus unrealistic?
Marx proves scientifically that the appearance of capitalist surplus population is not due to the abstract numerical ratio relation proposed by Mathus in which natural reproduction of humanity takes the geometric progression and the increase in the means of subsistence the arithmetic, but is the result of capitalist …
What according to Karl Marx are the three methods of creating surplus value?
Conventionally, value-added is equal to the sum of gross wage income and gross profit income. According to Marx’s theory, surplus value is equal to the new value created by workers in excess of their own labor-cost, which is appropriated by the capitalist as profit when products are sold.
What is the concept of surplus value?
SURPLUS-VALUE : The surplus produced over and above what is required to survive, which is translated into profit in capitalism. Since the capitalist pays a laborer for his/her labor, the capitalist claims to own the means of production, the worker’s labor-power, and even the product that is thus produced.
What is the theory of surplus value as given by Karl Marx?
Surplus value, Marxian economic concept that professed to explain the instability of the capitalist system. The capitalist pays his workers less than the value their labour has added to the goods, usually only enough to maintain the worker at a subsistence level.
Why is a surplus population an issue?
Surplus populations are often mobilised in ways that serve to discipline labour, forcing down wages and reproduction costs, and remain subjected to secondary forms of exploitation, especially through rents and debts.