Is bergamot in the mint family?
Monarda fistulosa, the wild bergamot or bee balm, is a wildflower in the mint family Lamiaceae, widespread and abundant as a native plant in much of North America.
Is bergamot mint edible?
Lemon Bergamot Mint is a perennial herb that is typically grown for its edible qualities, although it does have ornamental merits as well. The fragrant oval green leaves are usually harvested from late spring to early fall. The leaves have a minty taste and a pleasant fragrance.
How do you germinate bergamot seeds?
Broadcast Wild Bergamot outside about 8 weeks before the first fall frost, or surface sow indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost and gently press the seeds into the soil, then transplant seedlings outside in spring or summer, 6-8 weeks later.
Is bergamot easy to grow?
Wild bergamot is so easy to grow because it’s a member of the mint family, which is notorious for being so prolific it’s almost a pest if not controlled by the gardener.
What do you do with bergamot herb?
When harvested, bergamot is excellent for potpourri and dried flower arrangements, it makes a great garnish in wine cups and fruit punch, adds zing to lemonade and apple jelly and can also be used to flavor salads.
What kind of bergamot is in Earl GREY tea?
Bergamot tea is typically made from black tea leaves and the fruit of the Citrus bergamia tree. The tea leaves are either sprayed with bergamot extract or essential oil, or mixed with dried bergamot rinds, giving the tea a mild citrus-like taste.
What can I do with bergamot herb?
Is wild bergamot poisonous?
The toxicological effects of thymol include gastric pain, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and external rashes, although there have been no reports of toxic ingest plants or extracts of the Monarda species (11.1-136, 14.1-35). Wild bergamot, Monarda fistulosa L., is a perennial herb native to the eastern United States.
How long does bergamot take to grow from seed?
10-40 days
Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost, or direct sow in early spring when a light frost is still possible. Seeds can also be direct sown in the fall, as the first frost approaches. Optimal soil temperature for germination: 15-21°C (60-70°F). Seeds should sprout in 10-40 days.
Can you grow bergamot from seed?
You can plant bergamot seeds outdoors in early spring while the soil is cool and there is still a chance of a light frost. Cover the seeds with a light dusting of soil. When the seedlings have two sets of true leaves, thin them to 18 to 24 inches (46-61 cm.) apart.
How long does it take for bergamot seeds to germinate?
7-14 days
Growing Information DAYS TO GERMINATION: 7-14 days at 60-70°F (16-21°C). SOWING: Transplant (recommended): Sow the seeds in flats, barely covering them. Transplant to individual containers when the seedlings have their first true leaves.
What are the benefits of mint essential oil?
Mint oil has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic properties. This powerful combo makes it the perfect oil for soothing muscle aches and pains. It also works well to get rid of painful muscle spasms.
What are the most beneficial essential oils?
The best essential oils for skin and hair include lavender, Roman chamomile, frankincense, tea tree, geranium, myrrh, helichrysum, rosemary and clary sage.
What are the uses of mint oil?
Peppermint oil is commonly used as flavoring in foods and beverages and as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. Peppermint oil also is used for a variety of health conditions and can be taken orally in dietary supplements or topically as a skin cream or ointment.
Is mint oil good for skin?
Skin Care. While mint oil is a good antiseptic and antipruritic material, the juice obtained from the leaves is an excellent skin cleanser. It soothes the skin and helps cure infections and itchiness. In addition to being a good way to reduce pimples, it can even relieve some of the symptoms of acne.