What does eroi stand for?
Energy Return on Investment
Energy Return on Investment (EROI) is a ratio for describing a measure of energy produced in relation to the energy used to create it. For instance the ratio would illustrate how much energy is used to locate, extract, deliver, and refine crude oil relative to how much useable energy is created.
Will using ethanol truly reduce co2 emissions?
Numerous studies have compared the emissions of E85 and gasoline. E85 decreases the emissions of CO2, as well as the emissions of many harmful toxics, such as benzene—a known carcinogen.
Why is low EROI bad?
Low EROI means more expensive oil (etc) and lower net energy means growth is harder as there is less left over after necessary “maintenance metabolism”.
How are net energy and EROI related to each other?
Net energy describes the amounts, while EROI measures the ratio or efficiency of the process. They are related simply by For example, given a process with an EROI of 5, expending 1 unit of energy yields a net energy gain of 4 units.
What causes the diminishing returns of the EROI?
Joseph Tainter suggests that diminishing returns of the EROI is a chief cause of the collapse of complex societies, which has been suggested as caused by peak wood in early societies.
What happens when EROEI is less than equal to one?
When the EROEI of a source of energy is less than or equal to one, that energy source becomes a net “energy sink”, and can no longer be used as a source of energy, but depending on the system might be useful for energy storage (for example a battery). A related measure Energy Stored On Energy Invested (ESOEI) is used to analyse storage systems.
Can A Level 5 Elemental Hero be summoned?
The Chinese lore given is not official. Once, while this card is in the Graveyard, 1 Level 5 or higher ” Elemental HERO ” monster you Normal Summon can be Summoned without Tributing.