What happens if you drink alcohol after having mono?
The virus may inflame your liver, so it is important not to drink alcohol when you have mono. Alcohol could further injure your liver. An enlarged spleen might rupture should it be hit or strained. A rupture of the spleen causes severe bleeding and is a medical emergency.
How long after mono symptoms can you drink alcohol?
Most people recover in 2 to 4 weeks, but you may continue to feel tired for 3 to 6 weeks after the other symptoms are gone. Avoid drinking alcohol for at least one month to decrease the work of the liver. You develop a high temperature. Your fever isn’t gone in a few days.
Can I drink if my mono symptoms are gone?
A person who has mono and drinks could end up with liver damage. Because you’re having symptoms, see a doctor or visit student health right away. And skip the alcohol until you do. If you do have mono, you’ll need to avoid alcohol for a few months, even after you start feeling better.
How long do symptoms last after mono?
For some people, their liver or spleen or both may remain enlarged even after their fatigue ends. Most people get better in two to four weeks; however, some people may feel fatigued for several more weeks. Occasionally, the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis can last for six months or longer.
When is mono most contagious?
People are definitely contagious while they have symptoms, which can last 2–4 weeks or even longer. Health experts aren’t sure how long people with mono stay contagious after symptoms are gone, but it seems they can spread the infection for months after that.
Can you drink coffee with mono?
Many people with mono will feel extreme fatigue, which usually resolves in three to four weeks. While stimulants, like caffeine, might seem like a good idea for combating tiredness, you really should just take the time to just rest.
How can I recover from mono faster?
Rest. Mono can make you feel weak and fatigued, so aim to get about eight to 10 hours of sleep a night and nap when you feel you need to. You should stay in bed while running a fever. But once the fever subsides, light physical activity, like short walks, may help you recover faster, if you feel up to it.
Can you get mono from eating someone out?
Mono, or infectious mononucleosis, is caused by an infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). EBV spreads through direct contact with saliva (spit). This can happen by sharing eating utensils, drinks, and even things like lip gloss, lipstick, or lip balm.