What is a snobby person?
being or characteristic of a person who has an offensive air of superiority and tends to ignore or disdain anyone regarded as inferior. the snobby waiter gave me a withering look when I ordered the cheapest wine on the list.
What type of word is snobbery?
noun, plural snob·ber·ies. snobbish character, conduct, trait, or act.
What does snobby mean example?
Snobby is an informal word that describes a snob, which originally meant “a shoemaker or a shoemaker’s apprentice.” From that meaning it evolved through “lowly person” to “lowly person imitating a social superior” and finally “person who despises those considered inferior.”
What is another word for a snob?
In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for snob, like: attitude, pretentious, elitist, highbrow, rat, haughty, braggart, snoot, chichi, brahmin and hoity-toity.
Which is the best definition of the word snobbery?
Definition of snobbery 1 : snobbish conduct or character : snobbishness 2 : an instance of snobbery Examples of snobbery in a Sentence
Which is the best definition of the word snobbish?
a person who admires people of high rank or social class, and despises those in a lower class etc than himself. Being a snob, he was always trying to get to know members of the royal family. behaviour, talk etc that is typical of a snob. She couldn’t bear her mother’s snobbery.
What did Carmer mean by the term snobbery?
One cannot help wondering if the distance between the jazz and classical traditions has tended to be exaggerated, perhaps out of snobbery or (sometimes reverse) racism. Carmer the enlightened bureaucrat was not above using snobbery to defend publicity and elite autonomy.
What did Jane Austen mean by the word snobbery?
— Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker, 3 May 2021 The cynicism and the snobbery of the British up against this heart and this warmth of this kind of character. — Derek Lawrence, EW.com, 19 May 2021 Jane Austen, the great artist of spiteful snobbery and petty vengeance, knew this well.