What is accessory maxillary ostium?
Accessory maxillary ostium (AMO) is one of the anatomical variations in the maxillary sinus. It is usually located in the fontanelle which is the membranous part of the lateral nasal wall located in the middle meatus; between the uncinate process and inferior meatus.
What is a maxillary ostium?
The maxillary ostium or maxillary hiatus is an opening that forms the drainage channel of the maxillary sinus and is also one of the components of the ostiomeatal unit. It is located posteriorly and medially near the roof of the maxillary sinus measuring approximately 2-4 mm.
What is an accessory sinus?
The accessory sinuses of the nose, four in number, are the frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal and maxillary. These vary in size in different individuals, and anomalous conditions arise where there may be but.
Where is the ostium of maxillary sinus present?
The ostium of the maxillary sinus is on the highest part of the medial wall of the sinus and is therefore poorly placed from the point of view of free drainage; in addition it does not open directly into the nasal fossa but into the narrow ethmoidal infundibulum, inflammation of which can further interfere with …
What is a bilateral maxillary Antrostomy?
Maxillary antrostomy is a surgical procedure to enlarge the opening (ostium) of the maxillary sinus. This allows for further surgical intervention within the maxillary sinus cavity as well as improved sinus drainage.
Where is the maxillary antrum?
It forms the inferior aspect of the lateral wall of the nose. Contained within it is the nasolacrimal duct. The exit of this duct is approximately 1 cm from the pyriform rim. The ostium of the maxillary antrum is traditionally described emptying into the posterior aspect of the hiatus semilunaris.
What is Choana nose?
Choana: An opening at the back of the nasal passage (there is a left and a right side) that empties into the space behind the nose called the nasopharynx, where the adenoids and eustachian tube are.
What is the middle turbinate?
The middle turbinate is that part of the lateral mass of the ethmoid bone which projects from the external wall of the nasal cavity, continuous anteriorly with the lateral mass and separated from its posterior portion by a space known as the inferior ethmoidal fissure.
Where do maxillary sinuses drain?
The maxillary and facial arteries supply the sinus, and the maxillary vein supplies venous drainage. As mentioned already, the maxillary sinus drains into the ethmoid infundibulum. There is typically only one ostium per maxillary sinus; however, cadaver studies have shown 10% to 30% have an accessory ostium.
Where does the maxillary sinus open?
The sinus communicates through an opening into the semilunar hiatus on the lateral nasal wall. On the posterior wall are the alveolar canals, transmitting the posterior superior alveolar vessels and nerves to the molar teeth.
Where do you find accessory maxillary ostium on a CT scan?
Accessory maxillary ostia are a common anatomic variant, and are usually found incidentally on CT scans of the paranasal sinuses. Accessory ostia of the maxillary sinus are common, occurring in up to 40% patients 1.
When to use an accessory maxillary Ostia antrostomy?
Conclusion: The presence of an accessory maxillary ostium may contribute to the development of maxillary and ethmoidal sinusitis. Further studies are needed to elucidate this association and determine indications for incorporating the natural and accessory ostia when performing middle meatus antrostomy during endoscopic sinus surgery.
What is the name of the accessory sinus ostium?
Accessory ostium. The principle maxillary sinus ostium (PMO) and accessory sinus ostium (i.e., accessory ostium) are the anatomical structures of the middle meatus that are referred to as the osteomeatal complex.
Is the left maxillary Ostia more common than the right?
Left or right ethmoidal sinusitis was significantly associated with male gender and the presence of left or right maxillary sinusitis, respectively. Conclusion: The presence of an accessory maxillary ostium may contribute to the development of maxillary and ethmoidal sinusitis.