What is an Onodi cell?
The Onodi cell is a posterior ethmoid air cell that lies superior to the sphenoid sinus and is in close proximity to at least one optic nerve or internal carotid artery (ICA). This close proximity of the Onodi cells to the optic nerve and ICA is a risk factor for surgical complications.
What are sphenoid air cells?
The sphenoethmoidal air cell is generally defined as the posteriormost ethmoidal air cell, that extends posteriorly to lie superolateral to the sphenoid sinus and thus in close proximity to the optic nerve and internal carotid artery 5,8.
Are onodi cells normal?
The prevalence of Onodi cell varies according to their description and modalities used for identification. According to Driben et al., the prevalence of Onodi cell was 39% on endoscopic examination of cadavers. The prevalence was 12%, 8%, and 25% according to Arslan et al., Unal et al.
Is there a relationship between onodi cell and optic canal?
We concluded that type IV Onodi-optic canal relationship was the most common finding in our study. Onodi cell presence and their patterns of pneumatization must be evaluated on PNSCT preoperatively to avoid optic canal damage.
Does everyone have Haller cells?
Haller cells are just tiny cavities between the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses. They are not always present and when they are there they are usually not a problem unless they are obstructing drainage of the other sinuses into the nose.
What does onodi mean?
The Onodi cell (OC) is defined as the most posterior ethmoid cell, and may extend to the sphenoid sinus (SS) superiorly and laterally. The importance of these cells comes from their close relationship with the optic nerve (ON), SS, and hypophyseal fossa.
How does sphenoid sinus drain?
Sphenoid Sinus The sphenoid sinuses are located centrally and posteriorly within the sphenoid bone. They drain into the sphenoethmoidal recess located within the superior meatus. The sphenopalatine artery supplies the sinus, and venous drainage is via the maxillary vein.
What is Sphenoiditis?
Medical Definition of sphenoiditis : inflammation of the sphenoid sinuses.
What are Agger nasi cells?
Agger nasi air cells are the most anterior ethmoidal air cells lying anterolateral and inferior to the frontal recess and anterior and above the attachment of the middle turbinate. They are located within the lacrimal bone and therefore have as lateral relations the orbit, the lacrimal sac and the nasolacrimal duct.
Are Haller cells Bad?
Haller cells can interfere with the normal drainage of the maxillary sinus and result in sinusitis. In contrast, diameter of the sinus ostium and deviation of the uncinate process do not influence the inflammatory status of the maxillary sinus significantly.