What is backlash and how is it measured?
As a rule of thumb the average backlash is defined as 0.04 divided by the diametral pitch; the minimum being 0.03 divided by the diametral pitch and the maximum 0.05 divided by the diametral pitch. In a gear train, backlash is cumulative.
What tool do you use to measure backlash?
(1) TLSM02 Dial Indicator with Magnetic Stand. The TLSM02 is used for measuring backlash.
How is differential measured?
Measure the ring gear diameter. The ring gear is the largest gear inside the differential housing and normally faces the driver’s-side rear wheel. Using a tape measure or machinist’s ruler, measure the ring gear diameter. This identifies the differential — a Ford 9-inch or GM 7.5-inch — for example.
How do you measure ring and pinion gearset backlash?
To measure ring and pinion backlash, position a dial indicator stem on one of the ring gear teeth. Then, while holding the pinion gear STATIONARY, wiggle the ring gear back and forth. Indicator needle movement will equal gear backlash. Compare your measurements to the manufacturer’s specifications and adjust as needed.
Why is backlash bad?
Backlash creates an issue in positioning when an axis changes direction. The slack in the threads/gears cause measureable error in axis positioning. The MachMotion software can compensate a small amount for this error and better track the true position.
Why is backlash needed?
Backlash is necessary to provide the running clearance needed to prevent binding of the mating gears, which can result in heat generation, noise, abnormal wear, overload, and/or failure of the drive.
How is CNC backlash calculated?
Backlash can be measured by pushing the nut as far as it will go in one direction and measuring the distance it travels in the opposite direction. Backlash creates an issue in positioning when an axis changes direction.
How do you measure differential output?
To measure a differential signal, we have two options, one is using a differential probe and second is using a two channels oscilloscope. A differential probe is expensive but handles a better accuracy. Using two/four channels oscilloscope is the cheapest method which handles acceptable results.
What happens if you have too much backlash?
This distance is application-specific* and is critically important on all differentials because insufficient backlash causes the gears to bind, while excessive backlash causes excessive mechanical wear. Note that both inadequate and excessive backlash can cause varying mechanical noises.
What is a backlash error?
Backlash error is the error that occurs while we are changing the direction of gears. It can be avoided by turning the gear slowly in the same direction. Backlash error can also be defined as the clearance or lost motion in a mechanism caused by gaps between the parts of the gear.