What is the meaning of Plasmodium ovale?
[ ō-vā′lē ] n. A protozoan that is the agent of the least common form of human malaria, which is characterized by fimbriated red blood cells that often have an oval shape.
Who discovered P. ovale?
In 1918, John Stephens, working in West Africa, discovered a fourth species which resembled P. vivax which he described as P. ovale in 1922 [26].
How do I know if I have Plasmodium ovale?
ovale infections, red blood cells (rbcs) can be normal or slightly enlarged (up to 1 1/4×) in size, may be round to oval, and are sometimes fimbriated. Under optimal conditions, Schüffner’s dots may be seen in Giemsa stained slides. P. ovale rings have sturdy cytoplasm and large chromatin dots.
Which disease is caused by Plasmodium ovale?
Plasmodium ovale is a species of parasitic protozoa that causes tertian malaria in humans. It is one of several species of Plasmodium parasites that infect humans including Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax which are responsible for most malarial infection.
How is Plasmodium knowlesi transmitted to humans?
Plasmodium knowlesi (P. knowlesi) is a zoonotic malaria parasite, transmitted between non-human primate hosts by the Anopheles (An.) mosquitos, and causing spill-over infections in humans where the parasite, vector, host and human converge.
What is the incubation period for Plasmodium knowlesi?
The incubation period for transfusion-associated malaria ranges from 8 to 90 days. P. falciparum has the shortest time, mean 17 days (range, 8 to 36 days) and P. malariae the longest, mean 50 days (range, 8 to 90 days).
What kind of disease does Plasmodium ovale cause?
Plasmodium ovale is a species of parasitic protozoa that causes tertian malaria in humans.
Where does Plasmodium ovale live in the world?
P. ovale is primarily concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa and islands in the western Pacific. However P. ovale has also been reported in the Philippines, eastern Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea, as well as Bangladesh , Cambodia, India, Thailand and Vietnam.
How long does it take to show symptoms of Plasmodium ovale?
Plasmodium ovale is one of over 100 Plasmodium species that all cause malaria. The female Anopheles mosquito acts as a vector, or transmission agent, in the transmission of Plasmodium ovale. It can take seven to ten days before the host starts to experience any symptoms.
What is the maximum parasite level for Plasmodium ovale?
Mean maximum parasite levels have been found to be 6,944/microl for sporozoite-induced infections and 7,310/microl for trophozoite-induced infections. In some cases, relapse may occur up to 4 years after infection.