Who called 02084?
Caller identification ⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 02084 that called you is a broadband scam! At the moment we are unable to verify that this number is genuine and truly belongs to BT.
What area is Tel No 0208?
London area
0208 Numbers are local numbers for the London area. The area code for London is 020, with ranges including 0208, 0207, 0204 and 0203. Having a London 0208 number (or any 020 London number) will give your business a presence in the UK’s capital city.
What is the landline code of Philippines?
The Philippines is assigned an international dialing code of 63 by ITU-T….Telephone numbers in the Philippines.
Location | |
Typical format | 0XX-XXX-YYYY 02-XXXX-YYYY (for area code “02” only) 09XX-XXX-YYYY (mobile phones) |
Access codes | |
Country calling code | +63 |
International call prefix | 00 |
What area telephone code is 01707?
💡 01707 is the area code for Welwyn Garden City and the surrounding area.
How much does it cost to ring 0208 numbers?
As stated above, all 020 8 numbers are landline numbers and therefore are charged at your standard rate. This cost could be up to 10p per minute but it will depend on what time of day you are calling and your service provider.
Can you call landline from phone?
It’s easy to call a local landline number using your telephone. Just place “0” and the area code before the landline number you want to call.
Is 01707 a landline number?
The Welwyn Garden City 01707 Area Code (Welwyn Garden City Dialling Code) The 01707 area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code (excluding the zero) used in telecommunications for the Welwyn Garden City area. The local telephone numbers within the 01707 are 6 digits long.
Where is the telephone code 0203 for?
Recognised — An 0203 number (or any 020 number for that matter) is recognised by London residents, if not across the entire nation. The 020 prefix is granted to regular residents as well as businesses, making it one of the most memorable UK prefixes on the market.
Which is the correct area code for 02082?
The correct area code is 020 and is used by landlines from London, the following number (82) is a part of the local number. Please, search in the top search box the full phone number that called you. If you actually received a call from this exact same phone number (02082), it’s definitely a spoofed call mostly used by scammers.
How much does it cost to call a 020 number?
Phone numbers beginning 020 are geographic numbers. When calling from a land line, calls to 020 numbers can cost up to 10p per minute, dependent on the time of day, and there is usually also a call set-up fee. When calling from mobile phones, calls to these numbers cost between 10p and 40p per minute.
Is the phone number 442082 a harassment number?
Phone number +442082 from London tagged as Harassment calls 2 times. This info is supplied without liability. Once logged in, you’ll be able to recognize and block rated callers on all your phones. In addition, you help the community with your rating of the number!