How do I know if my guinea pig has bumblefoot?
The infected guinea pig’s footpads may become inflamed (redness), develop sores, or become overgrown over the course of many months. Other signs and symptoms include: Loss of hair on affected foot. Reluctance to move or inability to walk normally.
How do you cure bumblefoot?
For mild cases of bumblefoot, soaking the foot in a solution of Epsom salt and warm water is enough to draw out the infection and heal the open wound. For more severe cases, like when the wound develops an abscess, surgery by a veterinarian may be necessary to remove the dead tissue.
What is wrong with my guinea pigs feet?
Pododermatitis, or bumblefoot, in which sores develop on the bottom of the feet from pressure, is common in guinea pigs. It occurs most often in overweight animals housed on wire-bottomed or dirty cages that abrade the feet, making them susceptible to chronic, deep bacterial infection that causes lameness and pain.
Can I put antibiotic ointment on my guinea pig?
If a guinea pig has been injured, small wounds can be treated with “Rivanol”, “Betaisodona” or an antiseptic ointment at first. These products will disinfect the area. Always use the recommended amount for a child.
How do you treat bumblefoot in guinea pigs at home?
Treatment. In all cases investigate and treat underlying causes, supplement with vitamin C (50mg orally daily) and clip overgrown nails. Mild cases. Change bedding to soft, dry material such as clean hay, or padded surfaces with shredded paper.
Can you put peroxide on a guinea pig?
Bacterial/Fungal infections: Due to their close proximity to the ground, guinea pigs wounds can easily become infected. If a wound is fresh, clean it carefully with hydrogen peroxide, and then maintain the cleanliness with a 1:10 dilution of Nolvasan solution or betadine solution.
Will bumblefoot clear up on its own?
Often referred to as pododermatitis, bumblefoot is an inflammatory condition of the soles of the feet that, if treated quickly and aggressively, can be resolved without causing long-term or significant damage to a bird.
What causes bumblefoot?
Bumblefoot is predominantly caused by recurring force and excess pressure to the foot. As a result, activities like jumping down from a roost that is too high places your chicken at a higher risk of a foot injury.
When to treat a guinea pig with Bumblefoot?
Generally, bumblefoot should be recognized and treated early. If you actually wait till your guinea pig is at the third or fourth phase of this disease, at that point, it will turn out to be extremely difficult to treat the bumblefoot. This is because disease starts to set in your guinea pig at these stages.
What should I do if my guinea pig has pododermatitis?
Owners can always take an active part in the guinea pig’s treatment by supervising their veterinary surgeon. For pododermatitis, here are the most common forms of treatment for guinea pigs: Keep the infected area clean Your veterinary surgeon will need to clean the infected area if the skin has become broken or ulcerated.
How often should I trim my guinea pig’s nails?
Trim the pig’s nails. While you should be trimming the nails at least once a month anyway, doing so while the guinea pig has bumblefoot is especially important. Long nails can sometimes be a cause of bumblefoot. You can use human nail clippers for this process, though you should dedicate a pair to your pet.
When to take a guinea pig to the vet?
Each guinea pig proprietor ought to perceive the indications of bumblefoot. Likewise, they ought to need to know when it’s necessary to take a guinea pig to the veterinary specialist. Bumblefoot happens for the most part in more established guinea pigs living in too-little confines.